Living Water Ministry

Living Water
With the sun beating down on Alabama, there are not many people who would turn down a nice cold bottle of water, especially if it is free. A cold drink of water will satisfy the immediate need, but the thirst will come back again. It was that very idea that Jesus was alluding to when He told the woman at the well, "whoever drinks of this water will thirst again." Through the Living Water ministry, our goal is to share the eternal love of God that will satisfy one's needs here in this world, for all eternity. Jesus went on to tell the woman at the well, "the water that I shall give will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
We feel it is important to not only tell of the Lord's love, but to show it in our actions. By sharing a bottle of water, we want our community to know that God and His people care. There are great opportunities to share God's love through this ministry. All you have to do is give someone a nice cold bottle of water - at Idle Hour Park walking path, a construction site, a sports or band practice field, or the person working outside in their yard. By meeting an immediate need, we can share the eternal joy that awaits the one who is willing to follow Jesus. To volunteer for this ministry, please click on the link below.