Children's Ministry

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14
Summerville Baptist wishes to provide a loving and caring environment for children while teaching of God's love for them. We have several ministry opportunities for children throughout the week that will help them grow spiritually, mentally and emotionally through Christian instruction.
The nursery has four age appropriate areas for birth to age 4 years. We provide a safe and clean environment with a personalized pager system for your comfort and security. Nursery is provided for all Sunday services and Wednesday night prayer service.
Sunday School (Bible Study)
Sunday school classes are divided by ages/grades from age 5 - Grade 6. Bible Study is held every Sunday morning at 9:15 am on the lower level in the education wing.
Kidzone is a special worship service for children ages 4 - 9. These children begin the Sunday morning worship service in the Sanctuary and participate in our music worship. They are then dismissed to Kidzone where they have age appropriate lessons and crafts.
Children's Choirs
Wednesdays - 5:45 p.m. Click here for additional information
Mission Friends, Royal Ambassadors (RA's) & Girls in Action (GA's)
These mission education organizations teach how to learn about missions, pray for missions, do missions and participate in the work of the church. Mission Friends is for preschool children, while RA's and GA's are for Children in 1st - 6th grade. They meet on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. on the lower level.
Summer Children's Activities
Super Summer Activities (See Calendar of Events)
Vacation Bible School
GA Summer Camps
Choir Camps